As you must all know by now, Katie Holmes will be interpreting Jacqueline Kennedy, which is up until now regarded as one of the most stylish women of the 20th Century, and the serie will most probably remind you why…
As a matter of fact, apart from the historic side of the show, I guess that the reconstruction of the style and elegance of the women we called later Jackie O will be fascinating.
In that regards, click here and take a look at a short video available on, in which “The Kennedy’s” costume designer, Chris Hardagon, talks about Jackie Kennedy’s style while taking us inside the wardrobe he created for Katie Holmes.
In that regards, click here and take a look at a short video available on, in which “The Kennedy’s” costume designer, Chris Hardagon, talks about Jackie Kennedy’s style while taking us inside the wardrobe he created for Katie Holmes.

Quite a dazzling resemblance right?? We really have to take a close look to see if we are looking at the original.....
Amazing resemblance! Can't wait to see it!
Amazing serie!
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