Friday, 9 September 2011

LOV by Vanessa Bruno

The French designer decided to present her Fall/Winter collection in a eye-catching and original way by presenting a small film, directed by Stéphanie Di Giusto, featuring the beautiful Kate Bosworth!

From cold and icy exteriors to warm interiors, the clip emphasizes on the natural elements and landscapes in general. Envelopping us in a spiral by the contrustion of the image as well as by the music, the film ends up in a love story at the end, as if all of it was finally leading there, making us understand the title. The presence of a Nordic landscape in a glazed paper aspect matched perfectly Kate Bosworth's cold beauty and frail figure.

Appart from the fact that I loved this short realization, finding the images extremely esthetic and in a way mystic, I adoooored the collection!!! Especially this outfit, here below...

Take a look for yourself by clicking here!

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